Scheda di sviluppo rapido basata su Microcontroller PIC24F aggiornabile da una chiavetta USB. -------
Rapid development board based on PIC24F MCU upgradable from a USB stick
3DWebFier Project - the spreading of 3D printers is giving hint to the creativity of many people, including myself, it's great to draw an object and then send it to to the printer, you will be fascinated to see how a thin wire, like raw material, fluid materialize your idea.
But we realize that time is passing, for a complex object sometimes also needed from 6 to 10 hours before it is completed.
Project present at Rome Maker Faire 2014.
Thus we have a new requirement: it would be great if our 3D Printer can be remotely controlled from the office or from our car, check the progress of work and even stop in case of emergency.
Ok, I know that someone has already thought this, you may decide to use the old laptop connected to the router of your home or office, or definitely the most easy, take a Raspberry PI as a front-end Internet for your printer 3D.
Our idea is to use our development board PIC-AP BOARD (or any board with similar characteristics, a Microchip PiC24 such this one ) connected via USB to the printer 3D and WiFi to home router via a WiFi module with serial interface HLK-RM04
We use the sw free VSPM Virtual Serial Com on the laptop to map the ip address of the printer to a virtual com of our PC and we will control our printer with Pronterface, from another room, the office or from another city.
Creating 3D object with Autodesk ReCap Photo from fixing DSLR and rotating dish.
I'm interested in 3d Laser scanning techinques, in the past weeks i
heard about Recap360, so I tried it taking immediately some amazing
result from Recap Photo following the tutorials regarding the right way
of take the photo around a fix object.
Now my idea is to use Recap Photo in cloud or in a PC acting as a DIY 3d Laser scanning (without the laser for the moment...).
So i tried my 3d model reconstruction by a fix camera phone while
rotating subject by step of 5 -10 degrees. To improve the detail, i have
taken 55 photos by using a Samsung S3 Mini.
My goal is to create an
automatic Rotate & Shoot system using my Remote Shooter system, it's
able to control both and synchronized, a Reflex Camera as Nikon D50,
D7100 and more, while the subject is on a rotating dish (using a geared stepper motor).
In my first successful experiment i use some different markers in shape
and colors, cause i think it could help the Recap algorithm in stich
the photos.
Now i'm searching for public API of Recap Photo that helps to
automate the workflow of create a new project with the parameters,
upload the photos and when ready, download the obj.file.
an example of Pic-AP-Board controlling the stepper geared motor
Why don't use the Pic-Ap-Board for a home chalkboard?
Imagine to have a little screen on the fridge, and the family communicate each other through a digital chalkboard simply writing short phrases (no milk, buy some eggs, i come late tonight etc).
In every common family is normal that due the city lifestile, the members can cross them only for few time, from the morning to the evening when normally, child go to the school, father and mother go to their work.
So the recipe for this project is:
1 Pic-Ap-Board
1 Nokia 5110 module display (arduino shield like)
1 Hc-05 Serial Bluetooth module
1 Bluetooth chat android app
E’ un mouse all’interno di una pallina antistress.
Perché squeezzy
Perchè non se ne può più dei soliti mouse!
Il mouse è nato, o meglio è stato brevettato, nel lontano 1967
ed è ancora oggi l’unico indiscusso sistema di puntamento utilizzato quando ci
si avvicina ad un personal computer, specifico personal computer perché se è
vero che ora ci sono altri sistemi di puntamento come adesempio il touch screen, gli stessi non sono
certo comodissimi da utilizzare quando si è di fronte ad uno schermo verticale.
Sono cosi cambiati i sistemi operativi, è migliorato
l’hardware di tutte le periferiche, i supporti per i dati sono passati dalle
schede forateai DVD 2L, le stampanti ora
sono anche 3D; non c’è un pezzo che sia rimasto lo stesso, solo il sistema di
puntamento non è cambiato di molto.
Certo, si è passati dal filo e la pallina al laser e senza
filo, gli si sono date le forme più stravaganti ma alla fine quando ci si
avvicina ad un PC il gesto della mano che scorre sulla scrivania fino a
raggiungere il fatidico mouse è sempre lo stesso, c’è chi imputa addirittura
problemi di tunnel carpale al gesto di muovere il mouse, qunado siamo poggiati su di una
scrivania, ma non c’è altro sistema di muovere la freccina sullo schermo.
Così un bel giorno giocherellando con una pallina antistress
mentre lavoravo al PC mi sono detto, certo che se si potesse muovere con la
stessa pallina antistress anchela
freccetta sullo schermo non sarebbe male, perché no?, la tecnologia c’è, oggi
accelerometri, giroscopi ce ne sono e di tutti i tipi, allora perché non farla e
cominciare a dare la possibilità di lavorare sia come un mouse tradizionale
poggiato sulla scrivania che in aria senza dover poggiare per forza la mano ed
il braccio sulla scrivania , magari solo il gomito? e magari tra un movimento e
l’altro dare anche qualche strizzata alla pallina, cosi giusto per buttare via
un po’ di stress?
Abbiamo così sviluppato il primo prototipo per capire come
poter fare, lo abbiamo messo in una pallina da tennis essendo molto simile per forma
alla nostra idea, ma già vuota all’interno per poterci inserire un
circuito elettronico, abbiamo cosicollegato il cavo USB ed abbiamo visto che l’idea è fattibile.
Ora c’è da metterlo in una vera pallina antistress come
nella forma da noi rappresentata, c’è da togliere il filo facendolo diventare
wireless, c’è da mettere una batteria ricaribile e c’è anche da migliorare il
tutto, ma per fare questo abbiamo bisogno anche di Te, sempre che l’idea ti piaccia come piace a noi!
Squeezzy è un mouse bluetooth ricaricabile, è progettato per
lavorarecon il PCcon interfaccia
Bluetooth(in futuroanche per i computer Mac), non
è richiesto unricevitore separato. Con la tecnologiaBluetoothavanzata,questomouse
funzionafino a 10metri di
distanza. Il sensore utilizzato è un accelerometro
adalteprestazioni,ha lacapacità di rilevareogni movimentodurantegiochi
Squeezzymouseè confortevole e haun disegnobuffo. Con questo dispositivonon sarà necessarioacquistarele batterie. Il cavoUSBviene utilizzato soloper caricare la batteria,nonper la connessione alcomputer. non dimenticare, ècomprimibile!
Squeezzy,è il mouseche consente di modificareilguscio esterno! Diversicolori da scegliere. anche secondo il tuostato d'animo.
Prova Squeezzye noncambierai mai piùil mouse!
Una sceltaperfetta per chi vuole
avere sempre con se un mouse personale con cover intercambiabili da portare in ufficio o in viaggio, come puntatore ad una presentazione, o per giocherellarci neimomenti di relax.
Squeezzy, the squeezable mouse coming soon.
The new generation wireless, antistress mouse
Imagine if an antistress ball bounces on the wall or on your hand, and after become a full working, open air mouse.
Stay tuned on
What is Squeezzy Mouse?
It's a wireless mouse inside a stress ball.
Why Squeezzy Mouse?
No more usual computer mice!
Inside Squeezzy
The Squeezzy Rechargeable Bluetooth laptop
open air Mouse is designed to work with Bluetooth enabled PC (for Mac
computers in the future too) and no receiver is required. With advanced Bluetooth technology, this mouse works up to 33 ft away. The high performance accelerometer sensor has the ability to detect every movement During gaming or other activities. Never worry about dead batteries again, this mouse charges while in use. A perfect option for travelers and for relaxing moments, the Bluetooth Mouse is lightweight. Eliminates the need for a separate receiver, works seamlessly up to 33ft away with a Bluetooth enabled PC
Our project was initially designed to control few digital cameras
as Nikon D50, but it can control many other digital cameras (our focus
will be on Nikon and Canon DSLR and Coolpix or Powershot compact series)
using the PTP standard, everything depends on the specific functions
provided by the camera you own.
Once connected to the USB port on
the camera, with the function of discovery capabilities, Remote Shooter
3.0 knows which commands and properties are available. For limited
features as Focus&Release combined with Time Lapse, a stereo jack
2.5 port is available. Just buy a cable suitable for your remote control
port specific for your camera. Our goal is selling an flexible, upgradable and open Camera Control, for appassionate and professional at lower price possible!
Main features:
Remote Shoot;
Time Lapse (interval in sec,repeatition);
Shutter Speed Settings;
Aperture Settings;
Iso Settings;
Bracketing on/off;
Shake&Shoot (using your android phone accelerometer, could be useful for injuried person);
Sound&Shoot (adjustable level using your android phone mic, could be useful for injuried person);
Read&Shoot (programmable actions by a simple scripting language)
Thumbnail on app of the last shoot
USB PTP mode connection for full control (depends on camera)
Jack port 2.5mm for simple focus and release control
I/O port expansion for external sensor/actuator (eg light sensor or flash,may need a board interface)
Wireless firmware Upgrade (many other features on plan)
Li-Po Battery rechargeable from any phone microusb power supply
The app on Android or Windows PC, is released in OpenSource, radically extending the usability of the device.
With a language of simple and intuitive controls, you can control your camera.
use Google App Inventor for Android to create the GUI editable by
anyone, so it will be easy to implement custom functions so far
If you have no programming skills, you can write a sequence of
commands to a text file, click a button on your smartphone and will be
read and executed by the application.
PTP Command.txt
//Script to activate Time-Lapse ,
100 shots, one every 30 seconds
TIMERIP=100. Set number of shot
TIMEINT=30. Set interval between shot, in seconds
ENTIMER=1. Enable Time Lapse
Technicality for geeks! :-)
Processor PIC24FJ64GB002 16BIT, USB-OTG 8K Ram,16Mips@32Mhz
Program Memory 64K Flash
Communication Bluetooth serial module class2 certified 30ft/10mt coverage
Power supply 3,7V 750mAh LiPo onboard battery
Size 60 x 60 x 25 mm, 50 grams Firmware tested so far on:
Nikon D50 (full features, see video)
Nikon Coolpix AW100
Nikon D90 Nikon D7100 Canon Powershot A300 Canon Poweshot S500
What We Need & What You Get
Hello guys, we Need €16,500 to make RemShoot 3.0 project become reality!
With your help, we'll raise the €16,500 that we need to:
•Get the boards CE certified – Regrettably, In
Italy this is an expensive process for the certification lab to give us
the ability to distribute the product.
•Produce the first run of boards – In the past we've been prototyping previous versions through very small but expensive batches of boards.
•Develop and test compatibility over a wide range
of Digital Cameras (as many possible, but at the beginning our primary
goal will be on Nikon and Canon DSLR or Coolpix and PowerShot compact
If you decide tocontribute, please specify which digital camerayou have.
After the previous versions based on our Pic-Ap-Board, (that hardware
was thought for a wide variety of applications, not only for
photography), we're now reached enough knowledge and ready for starting
this new project, RemShoot 3.0. But, the only way to make RemShoot 3.0 reasonably priced for everybody, is to do a reasonable volume production run of the boards. So in our budget plan, €16,500
is the minimum amount we need for Certification, assembly and
manufacture of the first run of boards, including rechargeable LI-PO
batteries and the self made resin enclosure box. If you are a fan of Creative Photography and HI-Tech, we
toughly recommend the RemShoot 3.0 Limited Edition at €75 each (Italy
shipping included; add 15 euro for International shipping).
With this Kit, you'll get a finished product in a resin, original
enclosure box, in one of 4 color at your choice (Red, Black, Blue or
Yellow), the board fully tested and programmed with the latest firmware
available. Each RemShoot 3.0 kit contains moreover a rechargeable LiPo battery, with it’s dedicated micro USB port for charging, 1 Bluetooth module to wireless interact with the application on Android devices or a PC running Windows S.O, the app RemShoot for Android, (including source code) , the customized Pc Windows tool to easily upgrading via Bluetooth the board.
Last but not least, we plan to make several upgrades and implement
other features to enrich RemShoot 3.0 Project, so it’s wireless firmware
upgradable from a PC Windows via Bluetooth. You can free your
creativity with RemShoot 3.0
You canbecome oneof those peoplewho gavelovefor creatingthe best upgradable, flexible and open camera controller. Help us to free your creativity!
Became an actor of this project and let's become RemShoot 3.0 a reality!
Italy shipping included; + €15 for International shipping
For International Shipping you'll need to add an extra €15.
How do you add this money? When you select a contribution level, you'll
be prompted to enter the total contribution amount just below. Add the €15 to the cost of the reward there. eg second batch november'13 of RemShoot Limited Edition: 75+15= 90€
What if I forgot to add the €15 for international shipping?
After the project is funded and we're ready to ship, we'll contact each
contributor to confirm shipping details. If you didn't add shipping
when you contributed, you can add it then. RemShootSupporter gift sample photo:
La filosofia con la quale nasce la PIC-AP-BOARD (Pic Auto Programming Board): Invent: Crea il tuo progetto Develop: Sviluppalo e testalo sulla scheda PIC-AP-BOARD Use: Completalo e usa la stessa scheda PIC-AP-BOARD per il tuo progetto finito.